Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Echemelo (accent over second e) AKA "Bring it" en Espanol: Week One in the Mission

Hello my dearest FAMILY!!!
I love and miss you all dearly. It is so nerve racking trying to type this email in 22 minutes after having read all the emails I had in my inbox this morning. Well I have made it through my very first week as a set apart missionary on the Lords errand. It has been crazy. This is definitvely the hardest thing I have EVER done, pero (BUT) it is also the most rewarding. I am so happy to be here even on the days where there are tears. I love the district there are ten of us total and they are great. My comapanion Hermana Sorensen is the BEST! I love her so much. We are twins practically haha well about mission stuff anyhow we both got our call on the same day in August and arived together and will be going to Fresno speaking Spanish and then at the temple this morning we realized we had both taken our endowment out on the same day in October; crazy huh? The Lord knows each of us so well and he defiantly knew exactly what I needed when I got here. There are two other sisters we share a room with in the district Hermana Shaw and Hermana Moffit also both great. Sister Shaw is going to DC and Sister Moffit to Carlsbad CA. All of the other 8 members of my district our Elders and they are all going to SLC; all of them to SLC west except one going SLC south. We all are Spanish speaking and are pretty tight knit: we eat together and of course all study together (we have to on the latter lol).
 The Zone leaders are Awesome and so is the Branch (49 C). Our branch President Johnson served in Tonga under John Grober; yeah like off the movie The Other Side of Heaven... So cool. Then there is Bro Harris and Bro Singerland. I got my Coco Bean with Ashley before coming into the MTC so no wories there, and yes it was delish. I wish I had time to write about ever little miracle I have seen and experienced since coming here, but there is no way I could. There is just too much. The language is hard but I guess one of the best things I have realized (just yesterday) is that I am not here to learn the language. I am here to deepen my doctrinal understanding and prepare myself. To strengthen my own convictions. My purpose is to bring others unto Christ not to learn Spanish (although that too will come). I am trying to be more faithful to EXERCISE my faith and to be patient with myself to remember that the Lord ALWAYS keeps his promises and that it is up to me to be faithful. I really wish I could send you the link to the devotional they had for us last night, but I don't even think there is a link. But amazing... it truly is purely amazing here. If I had one wish it would be that everyone had this oppertunity that they could live worthy and have this wonderful experience of serving a mission. I really have been loving Ether chapter 12 this week I highly recommend that you all read it this week. It has been a huge strength to me. Also THANK YOU to eeryone who has written me, those letters are like life lines that help me make it to the next day. Well I am on the Lord's time now, and I am trying to learn to do things his way. It is hard but it is worth it. Another great scripture from this week is 2 Nephi 2:2 I probably won't write much more today because of time and I want to try and attach pictures. Just know I love and miss you all so so much. The work is hard but beautiful and I am grateful to be here.  
PS I don't really need anything persay but it would be nice to have some scripture cases for my seminary scriptures and then a case for the spanish set we have here so they don't get damaged carrying them. Also some of the Carnation breakfast packets in Vanilla? The food here is really hard on my stomach and I have felt sick a lot, but not too much that I can't handle it so don't worry about me.  
Hermana Miller
SO SORRY only a minute left and I can't figure out how to attach pictures :((( Hopefully next week. Just know that I am taking them.
Also I see Tawny at meals sometimes so hopefully we can get a photo together before she leaves.

1 comment:

  1. sorry for all of you who may have seen the weirdness of the post today..still getting a hand of how to get the blog to work and what the computer has been telling me I guess isn't what has been going on..
