Writing home while out adventuring through service in the California Fresno Mission
Monday, April 22, 2013
Parsley... mmmm Delicious
Family and Friends!!
2. It was REALLY windy here this week. Sooo windy. And as we went to one investigator's house we needed to open and close the gate when we drove in. Of course as passenger and junior companion guess whose privilege that became? So I climb out and go to this double door gate I finally unlatch it and get it open and the gates blow wide open. That was all fine and dandy till I'm stuck standing out there trying to reach both gates to get them closed again. With one in my hand, hoping the wind will blow the other one back to me again, I have hair EVERWHERE so I can't even see (I should have wore a ponytail but I didn't). Finally the wind caught the other gate door and blew it back to me so I managed to get them closed. But as I climb back in the car I looked like such a rag-a-muffin. Sister Van Wagoner was crying she was laughing so hard at the whole scene. idk maybe it was one of those you had to have been there type stories.
I got to meet Micky. She is truly a miracle story. She just showed up at church and was like I have been clean for 7 days. She shared how last week she found out her mom has cancer and that has motivated her to want to change her life. As we talked I asked her how she felt that now she was at church and she told me she felt God's presence around her. The spirit was so strong that we both started crying. She felt he had guided and directed her there. She said she had hesitated at the doors but she just felt something pushing her to go inside. She had drove to the church on an empty gas tank and with a blinking low fuel light. I know that God is helping her to overcome her drug addiction, I know that he loves her personally. I know that she is a daughter of a king and that he loves her and is so proud of her and her decision to change her life.
I love and miss you all. Your letters are little rays of sunshine and brightness each night, and I am so grateful for all of your love and support.
This week has been another good one with LOTS of missionary work, laughs, and miracles. Sister Van Wagoner is a great companion and trainer and I am so grateful for her. I also like the little commuter towns of Los Banos, Santa Nella, and Dos Palos where I serve. The people are truly prepared.
So funnies of the week:
1. Sister Van Wagoner making salsa. She goes this Cilantro doesn't smell that fresh as she cuts the green leaves and sticks them in the bowl with the tomatoes and onions. So I look at the little stems and rubberband and we had bought Parsley not Cilantro. haha We had a good little chuckle about that one. Apparently Salsa with Parsley isn't as yummy, or at least so she told me. Maybe by the time I finish my mission I'll have developed a liking for some type of salsa.
Other News:
We had another baptism this week. He is such a great kid. John just soaks up all the truths we give him. And he is setting an awesome example for his family. He was nervous how they would treat him after he was baptized, but they respect him and his decision and have told him they are happy for him if this is what makes him happy! :) I guess even his uncle who was giving him a hard time before, now is even watching his language around him and not swearing as much.
Got to jump in a bounce house with Giselle for her birthday. (Not sure if that was breaking a mission rule or not but we did it haha). She is a daughter of a recent convert. She gives the best little three year old prayers.
I gave a talk in one of the wards sacrament meetings (20ish minutes on Coming Unto Christ). I also ended up translating the closing prayer into Spanish during the other sacrament because Sister Van Wagoner was giving it (I gave the opening prayer). We also taught the Spanish Sunday School class as a VERY last minute thing. It was on the Priesthood, and we didn't have matching manuals. But I think it went well. There were only 3 Spanish speakers so it was a small group, more just like discussion.
We are blessed with lots of investigators and receptive people. We teach a LOT. I have hardly gone tracting or knocking on doors in this area at all. I think maybe five doors total. Mormon Helping hands is coming up this Saturday for us. Plus Zone Conference on Friday. So it's going to be hard to schedule everyone in this week, but we will do it.
Love and miss you all!!
Hermana Miller
PS Ethan, if you are reading this where are you? You've got me a little worried.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Serving in Los Banos
How are you? It has been a slow week for me as far as letters go (maybe they are in transition somewhere after transfers), so I apologize if this isn't as exciting or address any questions you may have written.
Well I got to Los Banos this week. Low and behold no more driving for me (well at least this 6 weeks)! I'm junior companion and still training so Sister Van Wagoner (since she has a license) drives the little Chevy Malibu we have. Which on the one hand is kind of nice but I think it will be harder for me to learn the area as far as directions and getting around go as well. Also we don't ride bikes here ever. No more sweaty backpack lines!! That I'm greatful for, but maybe I might eventually miss the additional exercise... but I'm not counting on it haha.
We stay in a members home here as well. She has a cat (Monkey). That cat has decided that my lap is the best place to be during all of our study time haha (4 hours each morning). At first I was a little annoyed to be covered in cat hair but at the same time it is cool because I just feel loved. I know that sounds corny but it is true. I had missed being around loving pets.
This area is on FIRE! The people here are so pumped about missionary work. And we have some AMAZING investigators and recent converts. We just hit the ground running here. The sisters before us left us some awesome leads that have turned out beautifully. We showed up Wed. afternoon and had three appointments scheduled that day already. And this week we have filled out already with a ton more. It was a lot more difficult to have solid appointments in Porterville with everyone working in the orange fields. Plus everyone here is so willing and able to do team ups or go out teaching with us and be there for member present lessons. In Porterville we had like ZERO team ups and already here we've had several, so that is really nice.
There are two wards we serve in (both English speaking). They are suprizingly small wards though. Not much bigger than the Porterville branch. Our ward mission leaders are FANTASTIC! They are so excited and energized, and want to help revitalize the wards. In one of the wards we do translation for any Spanish speakers. I am not so excited for that. haha Luckily my companion did it this week, and there was only one Spanish speaker (I guess average is about two people). Someday my turn will come though I am sure, I just pray that I will be ready.
Another major difference about being in this area is how isolated it is. We are not anywhere near other missionaries really so I haven't seen any since Wed. That is so strange after being in Porterville where we saw other Elders everyday. We would team teach sometimes and had dinner everynight with the Elders in our branch. In the apartment complex where we lived at first also lived another set of elders, and we saw our district leaders pretty frequently like a few times a week. So that is different.
Funny of the week? I stepped in Dog Poo and got attacked by a little ankle biter dog. It had puppies and went nuts when we went through the yard to get to the door to see a recent convert. No bites though so that is good. And I guess now I can say my shoes are broke in... wearing them out in the service of the Lord ;). I would have liked if it hadn't got all over the suede part of my shoes though, but oh well haha.
All in all things are good here in Los Banos. Occassionally I get to use the Spanish and I'm still learning little by little how to be a missionary, how to better serve others, how to be a better friend, how to be a better follower, and how to be a better teacher.
Thank you for all your love and support.
Zechariah 13:9 (yeah I also learned that book existed in the Bible this week... hey I'm still learning haha... But it is a new favorite scripture).
Hermana Miller
Monday, April 8, 2013
Transfer Calls and Living Apostles
I have been learning so much about pride and humility this week. I have learned that I actually am a pretty prideful person. Yeah that was a kind of startling realization but at least now I know and I can work on it haha.
Almost died? Yep that also happened. Biking this week and suddenly I had no brakes as I come up to an intersection. No worries I sacrificed my left foot to the pavement and stopped before streaming headlong into traffic. No major injury sustained and even better my shoe is ok. lol But it was strange because the brake had been working just fine. Idk some how the brake pad itself had slipped down and so it wouldn't respond to the squeeze of the brake bar.
How are you all doing? It has been a jam packed week here for me!
So I guess I will start with the news since that is what is foremost on my mind. I am being TRANSFERRED! Crazy huh. That almost never happens during a training period (the first 2 transfers or 12 weeks of the mission in the field), but it has for me. I am going to Los Banos on Wednesday. Completely new Zone, new Area, and new Companion. This was so out of the blue for me. I did not think that these transfers would affect me, or really my area since Elder Hall is training too but it has. Everyone else is staying here and Sister Martinez is getting a new trainee from the MTC. I am excited and a little sad. I am excited for the change because I know obviously that is where the Lord wants me but I am also sad because I was just starting to get the hang of it here in Porterville. Yeah for more packing and moving hahaha.
This week we had Presidents interviews and then a Zone planning session. We also finished moving out of the old apartments and into the members house. It took two whole days to clean that entire apartment. Which meant not a ton of missionary work happened on those two days. Kind of a huge bummer but that is ok. It brought back memories of times cleaning for military housing. Hahaha but I didn't have to mop the ceiling this time so that was good.
I got to try these mini bananas this week. They are pretty cute, but as far as I could tell tasted like a normal banana.
Out of my comfort zone? Yeah that happened too. We sang for some investigators. Like ONLY Sister Martinez and I. So that was "fun". Haha she just threw it out there like hey we are going to sing for you and I was like huh? and Next thing you know I am bright red and sweating bullets. But we sang the Spirit of God in Spanish and I did it. It invited the Spirit into their home so that was good.
The Porterville 6th branch has two 8 year old girls getting baptized on Saturday! Yay. I love them both. We have got to teach them a couple of the lessons and I am sad I will be gone before the actual baptismal service but I am glad that they get to have this ordinance and that they have accepted the gospel. They are both just so precious.
And of course I have to mention General Conference! How great is it that we have a living Prophet and Apostles on the Earth today?! I love conference. I got something out of every single talk (but yeah I was a little tired by second session on Saturday) But like the elders say conference is better than Christmas to missionaries. I just loved how much they talked about families and that Christ is the Prince of Peace. So many of the scriptures they used I recognized from my study of the Easter project (reading all the references to Christ in the topical guide).
So all in all things are pretty splendid in the life of Hermana Miller. (plus I have a ton of taquitos... yay sour cream).
I love and miss you all so much. I love all of the letters that I receive, thank you for taking time to think of me and write.
John 7:29 "But I know Him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me".
Hermana Miller
PS I think I said the wrong link last week to the bible videos its actually biblevideos.lds.org? Hopefully that's right.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
One Month in the Lord's Vineyard & an Easter Poem
FAMILY!! (and friends)
A poem that my Mission President's Wife wrote for Easter... I really enjoyed it.
Sorry no pictures this week. I sometimes forget in the week to take them as we are so busy. We had a recent convert tell us that we need to slow down because we are always rushing and going super fast.... and we laughed because there is so much that we already don't accomplish and so many people that we know are waiting for the gospel in their lives.
This week was EASTER! How great a blessing it is to know that Christ really does live. To worship the Living Christ and to know that we have so many blessings in our lives because of him. I don't think I will ever fully fathom all that is included in the Atonement and what all it really gives me. But I am grateful that each day I get the opportunity to learn a little more about his life from the scriptures, and try and more fully incorporate his example into my life through my words, thoughts, and deeds (not that I am any where near having that perfected yet... sooo far from).
Have you all seen/heard of biblevideos.org? I think that is the link... anyhow they are legit. Not like the old seminary videos that were shot about a gazillion years ago. If you want the bible to come alive then I recommend checking out the videos, I have only seen a couple but I really like them, and by really like I mean I LOVE them.
BUGS: Yep some bug stories from this week. Where are my brothers to kill the icky bugs when I need them? LOL. I got some (like 6) random bug bites on my left foot earlier this week. They kind of itch and are splotchy. I might have to get them checked out if they don't go away soon. Then we had the chance to do service for a former investigator. Bed Bugs really exist. GROSS. That is the only word that I have. Anyhow we got to help him bag up all of his clothes and belongings so that the house can get detoxed. I don't think I brought any of them home with me (thank goodness). Yeah I still hate bugs. But hey the Lord is helping me become stronger right?
This week the Relief Society had an activity kind of like a little pioneer activity. It is so cute. There are so few of them but they really do work so hard to stay so strong and faithful and to help one another. They all had sewed this bonnets and aprons special for the activity and they all wore them and had a little potluck as they kind of watched an English Pioneer video in the background which none of them could understand haha. There was also a ward Easter activity/ BBQ. So great :) lots of love in our little branch. Oh yeah and we did get a new branch presidency this week! They are all from the branch, they think this is the 1st time they have had an entirely Hispanic presidency here. It's awesome.
I continue to see miracles as the Lord softens hearts and prepares me to teach and find. One of our progressing investigators whose husband was super closed before is slowly coming around. Instead of ripping up her materials he occasionally sits in on lessons now. We have been praying for this family so much and we asked his wife to pray for him as well. This week he was in a severe car accident. No one was severely injured thank goodness. But as a result of the accident this man has taken a second look at his life. He feels that he has been preserved by the Lord. We know that this is true and that is for a specific reason. He accepted a priesthood blessing after his accident. He felt the Spirit during it. It is truly a miracle.
Revelations 3:20
Hermana Miller
A poem that my Mission President's Wife wrote for Easter... I really enjoyed it.
Father, on this holy day
My thoughts are turned to thee
…so thankful for the glorious gift
Thy Son did share with me.
As King of Kings and world’s creator
I’ve pondered his last hours;
He humbly knelt and prayed for strength
To set aside His many powers.
They took his cloak and scourged his back:
Such pain and degradations.
The miracles they soon forgot;
Though He’ll reign and rule the nations.
In garden, trial and nailed to the cross;
He was left so all alone.
Forsaken, abandoned by those he dearly loved,
All to His purpose, just for us: To Atone.
The best thing then that I can do
And try each day to show
In giving love as He gave to others
And teach the truths I know.
I’ll follow his example
Of compassion; boldness too.
To understand and not judge others
Are things I’ll try to do.
My sincere hope and prayer is that
On some not distant day
My Lord, My Savior, brother dear
Will turn to me and say:
Come daughter, friend,
And sister too,
Come be with me.
You’ve proven true.
~Cathy Gelwix (March 31, 2013)
My thoughts are turned to thee
…so thankful for the glorious gift
Thy Son did share with me.
As King of Kings and world’s creator
I’ve pondered his last hours;
He humbly knelt and prayed for strength
To set aside His many powers.
They took his cloak and scourged his back:
Such pain and degradations.
The miracles they soon forgot;
Though He’ll reign and rule the nations.
In garden, trial and nailed to the cross;
He was left so all alone.
Forsaken, abandoned by those he dearly loved,
All to His purpose, just for us: To Atone.
The best thing then that I can do
And try each day to show
In giving love as He gave to others
And teach the truths I know.
I’ll follow his example
Of compassion; boldness too.
To understand and not judge others
Are things I’ll try to do.
My sincere hope and prayer is that
On some not distant day
My Lord, My Savior, brother dear
Will turn to me and say:
Come daughter, friend,
And sister too,
Come be with me.
You’ve proven true.
~Cathy Gelwix (March 31, 2013)
One month in the Lord's Vineyard
FAMILY!! (and friends)
Sorry no pictures this week. I sometimes forget in the week to take them as we are so busy. We had a recent convert tell us that we need to slow down because we are always rushing and going super fast.... and we laughed because there is so much that we already don't accomplish and so many people that we know are waiting for the gospel in their lives.
This week was EASTER! How great a blessing it is to know that Christ really does live. To worship the Living Christ and to know that we have so many blessings in our lives because of him. I don't think I will ever fully fathom all that is included in the Atonement and what all it really gives me. But I am grateful that each day I get the opportunity to learn a little more about his life from the scriptures, and try and more fully incorporate his example into my life through my words, thoughts, and deeds (not that I am any where near having that perfected yet... sooo far from).
Have you all seen/heard of biblevideos.org? I think that is the link... anyhow they are legit. Not like the old seminary videos that were shot about a gazillion years ago. If you want the bible to come alive then I recommend checking out the videos, I have only seen a couple but I really like them, and by really like I mean I LOVE them.
BUGS: Yep some bug stories from this week. Where are my brothers to kill the icky bugs when I need them? LOL. I got some (like 6) random bug bites on my left foot earlier this week. They kind of itch and are splotchy. I might have to get them checked out if they don't go away soon. Then we had the chance to do service for a former investigator. Bed Bugs really exist. GROSS. That is the only word that I have. Anyhow we got to help him bag up all of his clothes and belongings so that the house can get detoxed. I don't think I brought any of them home with me (thank goodness). Yeah I still hate bugs. But hey the Lord is helping me become stronger right?
This week the Relief Society had an activity kind of like a little pioneer activity. It is so cute. There are so few of them but they really do work so hard to stay so strong and faithful and to help one another. They all had sewed this bonnets and aprons special for the activity and they all wore them and had a little potluck as they kind of watched an English Pioneer video in the background which none of them could understand haha. There was also a ward Easter activity/ BBQ. So great :) lots of love in our little branch. Oh yeah and we did get a new branch presidency this week! They are all from the branch, they think this is the 1st time they have had an entirely Hispanic presidency here. It's awesome.
I continue to see miracles as the Lord softens hearts and prepares me to teach and find. One of our progressing investigators whose husband was super closed before is slowly coming around. Instead of ripping up her materials he occasionally sits in on lessons now. We have been praying for this family so much and we asked his wife to pray for him as well. This week he was in a severe car accident. No one was severely injured thank goodness. But as a result of the accident this man has taken a second look at his life. He feels that he has been preserved by the Lord. We know that this is true and that is for a specific reason. He accepted a priesthood blessing after his accident. He felt the Spirit during it. It is truly a miracle.
Hermana Miller
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