It has been another wonderful and crazy week as a CFM missionary. I finished out my transfer in Hanford with some more wonderful experiences. Brother Austin took Hermana Gneiting and I to Superior Dairy for a farewell "lunch". I mistakenly ordered a double scoop hoping to have two different flavors, not really thinking about how huge the scoops there are. That goblet was as big as my head... I felt sooo sick by the time that I finished that icecream. I couldn't even taste those last bites haha. Then our last night in Hanford we had a church tour with the Maldonados. It was crazy because it was youth activity night, but it was also great. When we finished the tour Brother Maldonado (Abuelito) and I made a deal: I will come back and teach him all the lessons in Spanish so he can be baptized and before I return he will read the whole Book of Mormon. I LOVE that family. I can't wait to come back and visit with them all again.
We have had a lot of paperwork here the last few days. However we were also able to help out with another half-time show for one of the English Wards here. (We sang three songs in Spanish.) My funny moment of the week was language related. During the Relief Society Broadcast Dinner discussing the needs of a family I thought the sisters in the branch were saying chonies but they were saying colchon. So basically I thought they were saying underwear, but they were saying mattress. Needless to say my Spanish still needs a LOT of work. But the broadcast was wonderful, and I even got to listen to it in English.
Ecclesiastes 7:3 "Sorrow is better than laughter: for by sadness of the countenance the heart is made better."
Hermana Miller
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